Appraisal and Investigation
- Prior art investigation(from technology development to invalidation judgments)
- Patent, design, and trademark investigation
- Expert opinion on effectiveness and infringement of intellectual properties
From domestic and international application to granting of rights
To conduct an hearing, Nakajima & Associates IP Firm has an open attitude toward inventors, You can file a patent application after eliminating contradictions and unclear points.
“There was a similar prior art, and the abandon was sounded out.”
“There are a wide variety of claim rejection and there is nothing we can do about it.”
Our firm has faced this situation many times,How to deal with the applicant’s crisis situation Our firm have a lot of knowledge about it.
Worried about deciding whether to abandon the application, If you are an applicant, please feel free to contact us.
Our firm handles many global applications which have been filed in nearly 20 countries and have spanned 10 generations.
If OA is issued in some Asian country,
We submit the prior art cited in the OA to the USPTO as an IDS for the living descendants of the US application.
To win lawsuits in the United States, thorough implementation of IDS is inevitable.
We provide advanced administration to beat litigation in the United States.
#PatentsEssentialtowork #BusinessmodelPatents #Computer-related inventions #Easeofproofofinfringement #Ad-focclaims #PreventionofPlagiarism
An entrepreneur who created a new business model!
“The business model I devised must be new.” But there is still no confirmation of that. If you are an entrepreneur with such a problem, please feel free to contact us. We help you through the process of developing your business model into a business model patent.
If you apply for a business model patent and have it examined by the examination committee, you can have the country judge that the business model is new and progressive. The national guarantee of newness and progressive will lead your business to success.
A researcher or a technical person who thinks, “There is a high possibility that this technology will become mainstream in the near future. I am not familiar with that technology, but I would like to obtain a strong patent for that technology.” Please feel free to contact us. We will extract the items that are essential for implementing the technology and provide ideas for obtaining patent rights for the essential items.
Those who are worried about misappropriation by other companies! Please feel free to contact us.
There is a risk of misappropriation when providing technical data to other companies. Misappropriation means that another company applies for a patent using the obtained technical data and obtains a patent. Such risks are exacerbated when dealing with foreign companies. A provisional application is effective against such misappropriation.
Using the technical data to be provided to other companies, a patent application will be filed on the same day.By doing this, we will put a brake on other companies’ misappropriation.